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  • 2024-06-12

这个杀手不太冷音乐?the ludlows纯音乐 《这个杀手不太冷静》是由邢文雄自编自导,马丽、魏翔领衔主演,陈明昊、周大勇、黄才伦主演,艾伦友情出演的喜剧电影,于2022年2月1日在中国大陆上映。该片根据日本喜剧电影《魔幻时刻》改编,讲述了龙套演员魏成功为了实现自己想要“饰演一次男主角”的梦想,那么,这个杀手不太冷音乐?一起来了解一下吧。



He deals the cards as a meditation 他出牌前沉思冥想

And those he plays never suspect 对出的每一张牌都很有把握

He doesn't play for the money he wins 他不是为了赢钱而玩牌

He don't play for respect 也不是为了获得尊重

He deals the cards to find the answer 他出牌是为了找寻答案

The sacred geometry of chance 找寻幸运的神圣机率

The hidden law of a probable outcome 在胜利后面隐藏着一种规则

The numbers lead a dance 那些数字在领舞

I know that the spades are the swords of a soldier


I know that the clubs are weapons of war 我知道草花是战争的武器

I know that diamonds mean money for this art


But that's not the shape of my heart 但那不是我心的形状

He may play the jack of diamonds 他可以出方块J

He may lay the queen of spades 他可以出黑桃Q

He may conceal a king in his hand 他可以使小花招藏起K

While the memory of it fades 接着真的忘了自己有K

I know that the spades are the swords of a soldier


I know that the clubs are weapons of war 我知道草花是战争的武器

I know that diamonds mean money for this art


But that's not the shape of my heart 但那不是我心的形状

And if I told you that I loved you 如果我告诉你我爱你

You'd maybe think there's something wrong 你可能会觉得不妥

I'm not a man of too many faces 我不是多面派

The mask I wear is one 我只有一张面具

Well, those who speak know nothin'好吧,那些发言的人其实什么也不知道

And find out to their cost 他们最终会付出代价

Like those who curse their luck in too many places


And those who fear are lost还有那些退缩的人,他们都已迷失

I know that the spades are the swords of a soldier


I know that the clubs are weapons of war 我知道草花是战争的武器

I know that diamonds mean money for this art


But that's not the shape of my heart 但那不是我心的形状

That's not the shape, the shape of my heart



the ludlows纯音乐


该片根据日本喜剧电影《魔幻时刻》改编,讲述了龙套演员魏成功为了实现自己想要“饰演一次男主角”的梦想,在得到了女演员米兰的“赏识”后,意外陷入了一个用戏剧编织出的“局中局”里的故事 。

剧情简介:魏成功(魏翔饰)是一个默默无闻的群众演员以为时来运转,在女演员米兰(马丽饰)的“说服”下,意外闯入一个危机四伏的骗局。终于能“扮演男一号杀手卡尔”,但是他完全不知道,在阴谋诡计和阴差阳错中,他一不小心成了真正的杀手。真诚和欺骗,坦率与隐瞒,实在让人好奇人生如戏的荒谬中,魏成功决定 与众人周旋 。



《Shape of My Heart》 试听http://mp3.baidu.com/m?tn=baidump3&ct=134217728&lm=-1&word=Shape+of+My+Heart


Cute NameHey Little Angel What's Happening Out There? Ballad For Mathilda How Do You Know It's Love A Bird In New York Can I Have A Word With You? Two Ways Out She Is DeadLeon The Cleaner The Game Is Over Very Special Delivery Feel The Breath Tony The IBM When Leon Does His Best Fatman Back On The Crime Scene The Fight (part 1:The Swat Squad) Room 4602 Birds Of Storm The Fight (part 4:One Is Alive) The Fight (part 2:Bring Me Everyone) The Fight (part 3:The Big Weapon)



这个是电影原声,可以下载听一下: http://www.verycd.com/topics/21967/

以上就是这个杀手不太冷音乐的全部内容,《rise and fall》,是著名电影《这个杀手不太冷》主题曲的蓝调版,在各大音乐平台都可以收听。1、《这个杀手不太冷》(原题:Léon、英文译名:The Professional)是由法国导演吕克·贝松编剧并执导的动作电影,由娜塔莉·波特曼、让·雷诺、加里·奥德曼联袂出演。该片于1994年9月14日在法国上映。2、。
