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  • 英语
  • 2023-04-19

  • 学期结束就是寒假,寒假作业肯定是不会少的。不能随便敷衍了事,还是要结合参考答案来看看。下面是为大家整理的:小学五年级上册英语寒假作业答案,仅供参考,欢迎掘和阅读!


    一、找出你所听到的内容,填序号 (听一遍)

    1. I’m happy today.

    2. The tiger lives in the forest.

    3. I can skate well.

    4. Wang Bing is from China.

    5. The cat is behind the sofa.

    6. There are some books in the library.

    7. The bed is too hard.

    8. The rabbit has two long ears.

    9. Look at the blackboard!

    10. A:Let’s play football. B: All right.

    (A A C A C C C A A B)


    1、A:What do you like?

    B: We like swimming. What about you?.

    A: I like dancing.

    2、A: Is the bird under the tree?

    B: No, it’s behind the tree.

    3、 A: Do you like dancing?

    B: No, I don’t. I like watching films.

    4、A:What can you do?

    烂腔B: I can ski very well.

    5、 A: Let’s go and play table tennis.

    B: I’m sorry. I want to read books

    6、A:Where’s the girl?

    B: She’s behind the house.

    7、A:Do you have an animal friend?

    B: Yes. It has red eyes and long ears. It has four legs and a short tail.

    8、A: What’s in the music room?

    B: There’s a piano and four chairs in it.

    (T F T F F F T F)


    1. A: Hi, Mike. Is there a TV in your bedroom?

    B: No, there isn’t. But there’s a radio.

    2. A: Let’s go and skate.

    B: Sorry, we don’t have the skate shoes

    3. A: Good afternoon, Gao Shan. B: Good afternoon, Mike.

    A: Time to read English. B: OK. Let’s read English together.

    4. A: Bobby ,let’s play the swing.

    B: All right. Push me Sam.

    A: OK.Go! Go! Go!

    B: Stop, Sam. Stop! It’s too high. Stop!

    5. A: Can you play football, Mike?

    B: Yes, I can. And you, Ben?

    A: No, I can’t.But, I can play basketball.

    B: Good, And Liu Tao can play the football, too. Am I right?

    A: Yes.

    ( A C B A A)


    A: Hi, Mr Wang! Welcome to our school.

    B: Thank you, Mr Fang. Your school is very beautiful.

    A: Thank you. Look, this is a new building.

    B: Is there a music room in it?

    A: Yes. It’s on the frist floor, between two table tennic rooms.

    B: I think the computer rooms are on the third flood.

    A: Yes, you’re right.

    B: How many are there?

    A: Two.

    B: How many reading rooms?

    A: There is one. It’s on the third floor.

    B: Is there a TV room?

    A: Yes, there’s a TV room and a library on the second floor.

    B: Oh, Great. But where is the toilet?

    A: On the second floor. It’s under the Reading room. The library is near the toilet.

    B: Thank you.

    1. It’s on the frist floor.

    2. There are two.

    3. Yes, there is.

    4. It’s on the second floor./ It’s near the library.

    5. There are two computer rooms and a reading room.



    1、in front 2、classroom second 3. can play well

    4. first art beside music


    A B A C C D D C A B


    H I J D C G E B A F


    J G I B D E H C A F


    2 4 3 1


    1. He can sing and play football.

    2. No, she can’t.

    3. Yes, they can.

    4. She can play the piano.

    5. Mary can.


    1. classroom between have don’t computer There are

    2. have hard has legs can cake

    3. Where library playing does like likes reading



    How many

    (animals) How much

    (Grown-up) How much

    (5 years old) Opening time

    (Sunday) Closing time


    5 \five 2 free 9:00am 3:00pm


    small children first office any second cupboard fans


    【 #五年级#导语】时间在不停的流逝,一个寒假眼看着就要结束了,还没完成寒假作业的同学们要加快速度啦?以下是 无 为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。




    二、kind young funny strict

    三、c a b b c


    四、kind young strict old strict art funny

    五、or 短的 ar or工作努力的 e er聪明的 e u愿意帮忙的 o i e礼貌的ou年轻的

    六、my chinese teacher is _(语文老师名),she(he) is kind.

    my english teacher is miss x(英语老师姓的第一个字母),she(he)is young.

    七、our what's is do she's


    八、tall strict kind funny old kind画略

    一、星期一 星期四 星期五 星期六 周末 星期三

    差余二、ee ee ea ea ea ea ee ea ee

    三、+day=sunday +day=friday +friend=girlfriend +room=bedroom +room=bathroom


    四、b a a b b c a c c a

    五、_x(自己名)x(所在班级)x(所在年级) short shy funny画略

    六、friday tall strong chinese class watch tv


    一、第一图√第二图√第一图√ 第二图√


    二、a o o e o o ee ea ea ea ee

    三、picture hare wednesdays chinese english pe funny do grandpa cooking



    1=d 2=e 3=a 4=b 5=c

    五、d b a c e

    六、tall thin read books on like do


    一、× x x x √

    二、o辣的 ee甜的 i e ea冰激凌 e 新鲜的 a a沙拉 e a 茶

    三、b b a b a



    五、she's helpful. i play ping-pong. i like sandwich. he can dance.



    1. isn’t, he’s , who’s, can’t, aren’t, let’s, what’s, where’虚蔽滚s

    2. Who, new, old, like, our, he


    1.BCAC 2.略


    1. 略 2.a, ea, sw, fl, er, th


    1. mirror, trash bin, shelf, air-condition 2.A B B C


    1. BCG, AE, DF, HI 2.c a d g e f b


    1.quiet,strong; potato,mutton; near,behind; curtain,trash bin; Monday,Sunday; salty,sweet; Mr

    2. ike, unday, ruit, unch, rash, our, hey, re


    1. Sunday, watch TV, do homework, tomato, window, kitchen, forest, bridge

    并巧2. A D A C D


    1. science, P.E. English Chinese, math

    2. B G D E H A C F



    1. swim, does, dancing, is, at

    2. Fall, go hiking, plant trees, shirt and jeans, Halloween


    1.C E B A D

    2.6:30am , eat breakfast, go to school, 3;30am, go to bed


    1. climb, shopping, piano, visit 2.B C D A


    1. pr, i,t; al, su

    2. C A D B 3. 2 3 1


    1.spell,speak; stair,hair; pear,bear; skirt,skate

    2.A C D E B

    3.It is in December. When is your birthday? Uncle Bill’s birthday is in June.


    1. taking pictures, play chess, watch insects, collect leaves

    2. B C A

    3. walking, river, sun, running, honey, celery, eating, experiment, sweet


    1.skate, fly kites, I can swim, I can climb mountains

